
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Kenya most corrupt country around

Kenya has once again scored poorly in this years' International Corruption Perception Index report scoring 2.2 out of a possible 10 points.

According to the report, Kenya stands at position 38 in Africa and 146 globally tying with countries such as Zimbabwe, Russia and Sierra-Leone.

Releasing the report on Wednesday, TI -Kenya Executive Director Tom Ogonda attributes the performance to loopholes in the current constitution.

Last year Kenya was ranked position 147 out of 180 globally in with a score of 2.1 out of ten.

Ogonda blamed the country's dismal performance to inequalities and injustices that have led to violence and insecurity.

Ogonda however said the draft constitution unveiled on Tuesday had positive elements that would reduce existing opportunities of corruption and abuse of power.

According to the report, divisions among Kenyans have also compromised the fight against the vice. South Africa is the best placed country in Africa at position 55 in the world.

Namibia, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Lesotho and Malawi are the other African countries featuring in the top 100. New Zealand has been ranked the least corrupt country in the world.

Others include Denmark, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland and Finland.

The report draws in 13 different polls and surveys from 10 independent institutions carried out among experienced observers. The survey also assesses levels of corruption in the public sector.

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