
Friday, October 16, 2009


The committee of experts on constitution has scoffed at calls for minimum reforms.

The commission's chairman Nzamba Kitonga says the clamour for minimum reforms will only act to undermine his teams' zeal to present the country with a comprehensive constitution.

Speaking in Nanyuki, Kitonga says those demanding for the reforms are driven by their own selfish interests.

He assured that his team would deliver a new constitution within the stipulated time.

The committee is tasked with collecting views from Kenyans and other stakeholders before drafting a constitution for the country.


Elsewhere, Retired President Daniel Arap Moi Friday joined church leaders in calling for amendments before the next general elections.

Speaking at Moi High School Kaplamai in Kitale, Moi said the current constitution should be ammended if it is difficult to come up with a new one.

On Wednesday, the National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK) said the Committee Of Experts should enact minimum reforms because of the fears that the country would not have a new constitution by 2012.

They said the minimum reforms would act as a buffer to ensure stability, free and fair elections.

But the Law Society of Kenya and The National Council of NGOs have strongly opposed the clamour saying a good ground has been laid for the comprehensive constitutional review.

The former President advised wananchi to co-exist peacefully saying the differences among leaders should not divide them. Moi further opposed the proposed splitting of the Rift Valley.

" This is a cosmopolitan province and dividing it will cause violence" he observed

Ford Kenya

Ford-Kenya's chairman Musikari Kombo has added his voice to the raging debate. Addressing journalists at the party's offices, Kombo said their party will be in the frontline in advocating for a new constitution that will focus on fundamental reforms in the country.

He said his party performed poorly in the 2007 general election due lack of reforms in the party's constitution and election strategies.

He said the party's executive council had therefore decided to change the party's constitution to bar the chairman to be the party's presidential candidate.

Kombo said they would embark on grass roots elections early next year.

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