
Thursday, October 15, 2009


Raila Odinga, leaves the country Wednesday evening for an official trip to the people's republic of China, France and Sweden where he will attend various official functions.

In china, the PM leads a delegation to the western China international economy and trade fair in the Chinese province of Sichwan.

While there, he will hold discussions with the country's PM, Wen Jiabao as well as address the trade fair.

Accompanying him are ministers Amos Kimunya (trade), Franklin Bett (roads, Chris Obure (public works) and Charles Keter (assistant minister, energy).

Others are eng. Meshack Kidenda, director general of Kenya national highways authority and Francis Chencha, chief mechanical and transport engineer.

The pm will be in china for two days, and then leave for Paris where he is scheduled to meet his counterpart Mr. Francois Fillion, the director general of French Development Agency AFD, Mr. Jean-Michel Severino, the minister of state in charge of environment, energy, sustainable development and sea Mr. jean Louis Borloo and minister for foreign and European affairs Mr. Bernard Kouchner.

Ministers Uhuru Kenyatta and Moses Wetang'ula will accompany the pm in France.

Raila will attend the European development days in Stockholm, Sweden for two days from October 22. He will hold meetings with various trade and environment ministers.

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