
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Ranneberger on Raila/Obama

The US ambassador to Kenya Michael Ranneberger Tuesday moved to clarify why Prime Minister Raila Odinga was not invited to a luncheon with President Barack Obama.

Ranneberger said the cancellation was as a result of a technical issue and was not in any way related to Kenya's track record in fighting corruption.

He said the luncheon had been prepared for only heads states from the region.

Ranneberger however said the Prime Minister will be a guest to various other events where president Obama will be in attendance.

Odinga was reportedly excluded from a luncheon on arrival in the US. His communication officer however refuted the claims stating that the PM's itinerary had not included the luncheon with Obama but with former US President Bill Clinton.

Odinga Tuesday met with the fornmer president who pledged support for Kenya's efforts to rehabilitate the Mau Forest Complex.

Meanwhile the United States has threatened to take action against the coalition government for "failing to implement the reform agenda as stipulated in the National Accord".

Speaking in Nairobi during the International Day of Peace held at the United States International University, Ranneberger said President Barack Obama was dissatisfied with the pace at which the reforms were being implemented.

He said the war against corruption had completely failed because top government officials implicated in graft have not been prosecuted.

He said weak institutions have largely contributed to the problems bedeviling the country adding that the International Criminal Court should take over the prosecution of post election violence suspects since the Kenyan process might fail to materialize.

Ranneberger said the implementation of the reform agenda would avert a recurrence of violence as witnessed after the 2007 general elections.

"Reforms should be implemented in all sectors of the economy as a positive development to mobilize peace in the country," said the envoy.

Ranneberger noted that the US government was keen in promoting peace across the globe particularly in Africa saying it would not relent until the goal of attaining peace and stability was realized.

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