
Monday, September 21, 2009

Kibaki and Moi Nyachae's

President Mwai Kibaki on Monday urged Kenyans to rededicate themselves in serving their communities and the nation in general to make it a better place for all.

President Kibaki noted that while citizens and the country as a whole faced various challenges, Kenyans must strive to overcome them in order to secure a bright future.

"How would you like to be remembered by the generations that come years after you? Strive to make a difference by serving fellow Kenyans diligently and support them to change their lives for better," he said.

The President made the remarks when he joined the family, relatives and friends for the burial of the late Mama Paulina Bosibori Nyandusi and mother to former cabinet minister Simeon Nyachae in Nyaribari Chache Constituency, Kisii Central District.

President Kibaki urged the Abagusii Community and Kenyans at large to emulate virtues upheld by the late Mama Bosibori whom she termed as a God fearing, hard working, generous and caring person.

While condoling the bereaved, the Head of State urged the family members to remain united and be guided by the principles advocated for by the late matriarch who at all times demonstrated leadership and commitment to the service of fellow citizens.

"The late Bosibori worked hard in her farm and cultivated large portions of land where she grew all types of crops and thus inculcating similar passion for hard work to her children and even neighbours,' said the President.

Also at the funeral ceremony, retired president Daniel arap Moi urged leaders to avoid politics during funerals and instead focus on consoling the bereaved families.

The former president noted that although politics was a critical pillar of life such pronouncements should be avoided during such occasions.

He said, "Although politics is part of life we must avoid it during funerals and instead we should comfort the grieving families."

The retired president further urged Kenyans to lay their hope and faith in Jesus Christ whom He said came to redeem the entire mankind and as evidenced by the Holy Scriptures.

He asserted that by putting faith in Jesus Christ Kenyans would secure lasting peace in their hearts and remain accommodative to one another in order for the country to move forward to prosperity.

"Kenyans must change their hearts to become loving and tolerant. The restlessness among Kenyans shall end once they encounter Jesus. Mama Paulina kept her faith and she will be happy during resurrection," affirmed the retired president.

Several cabinet ministers, assistant minister's current and former members of parliament, senior government and private sector officials attended the burial ceremony.

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