
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Moi for Kanu chair Nyanza for Uhuru

CAMPAIGNS for KANU national chairmanship took a new turn yesterday after 150 delegates from five districts in Nandi said they would support former Baringo Central MP Gedion Moi for the post.The delegates said Gideon Moi, who is also current vice national chairman of the independence party, was the right person to fill the post owing to his active involvement to have it rejuvenated across the country.

Addressing news reporters after a meeting at Kapsabet, officials led by Cllrs. Andrew Murei, Charles Tanui, Samuel Chelule, Samuel arap Ng’etich and Christopher Koiyoki also proposed to national top organ to name former Member of Parliament Mark Too to coordinate Kaffairs in the region.Saying the former Baringo central MP was a visionary leader and needed support of experienced politicians like Too, the delegates said KANU was the only party with grassroot support infrastructure.

They said the pending annual Delegates Conference (ADC) would be do or die for the party because current national officials should be replaced with people who love the party.Most of the officials have switched loyalty to other parties after ignoring the one that propelled them to power.

They also appealed to Members of Parliament in ODM to return to Kanu, saying ODM had betrayed her supporters in Coast, Nairobi, Rift Valley, Western, Eastern and Nyanza. “KANU will be a party to watch now that ODM and other political parties are crumbling having lost their image,” Murei told the delegates.They supported delegates from Nyanza who had endorsed Gideon Moi for the national post, saying Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta, who is the national chairman had shown he was not interested with the party his late father, Mzee Jomo Kenyatta, served and used to rule until 1978.

Nyanza for Uhuru
KANU officials from Nyanza yesterday supported National Chairman Uhuru Kenyatta, saying they are satisfied with his style of leadership. Led by Kisumu Rural Branch chairman George Oulu Nyawara, they said they would support Kenyatta during the party’s National Delegates Conference next year.In a signed statement, the officials said former Baringo North Member of Parliament Gideon Moi has no leadership qualities to steer the party to greater heights.

Oulu, who read the news statement, said Moi could not even address delegates during the last conference.He said party officials from Nyanza would continue supporting Uhuru in his future endeavors.The official, who was flanked by a number of delegates at the Kanu grounds in Kisumu, said they are not party to cheap propaganda being peddled by Moi’s agents in a section of the media in his quest for a top party seat next year.

Oulu said Kanu was a key partner in Grand Coalition Government due to Uhuru’s wise leadership.The statement was also signed by Jack Nyambega(NEC Member) Kezia Opondo(Secretary International Affairs) Kenya Onyango(Secretary Kisumu Rural) Jared Oyugi (chairman Rarieda) Tom Oyoo(chairman Kisumu Town East) Samuel Obuya(treasurer Kisumu Town West) Peter Omollo(chairman Nyakach) and Denis Onyango (chairman Muhoroni).

They said they would embark on strengthening the party in Nyanza ahead of the conference next year.The official said meeting held in Kisumu last week where National Deputy Organizing Secretary Shadrack Manga was present was a prelude to such future activities. They said Uhuru had performed his duties well and deserves another term in office

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