
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Blackouts - Yes you can sue

NAIROBI, Kenya, Aug 12 - A city lawyer now says consumers can sue the Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) for rationing power.

Lawyer Moses Kurgat said KPLC was acting illegally by rationing power arguing that the Electric Power Act no 11 of 1997 gives no provision for rationing.

“KPLC allocates you a certain maximum amount of power and when they fail to do that they are susceptible to being sued,” Mr Kurgat said.

“Under the provisions of Section 30 of the Electric Power Act the maximum power as agreed in the supply agreement must be supplied failure to which there is breach of contract which entitles an individual to damages,” he explained.

He said owing to the vagaries of weather KPLC, as the suppliers of power, ought to have consulted with consumers to decide on what action needs to be taken.

“When you impose rationing to the public without any explanation or any duty then they are punishing those who are paying to have electricity," he said


  1. Impunity at its best.

  2. Is it true that Kibaki said that elections will be held before 2012?
