
Friday, May 7, 2021

[FULL LIST] How your MP voted in the BBI debate

[FULL LIST] How your MP voted in the BBI debate MPs for the first time attained the required two-thirds majority to vote on a bill. In Summary • Lawmakers on Thursday night burnt the midnight oil as they overwhelmingly gave the BBI a clean bill of health as they voted vote for the first amendment. • Over 300 members of the National Assembly participated in the vote that went almost until midnight at the second stage where 235 supported the bill, 83 for No while two abstained. Lawmakers on Thursday night burnt the midnight oil as they overwhelmingly gave the BBI a clean bill of health as they voted vote for the first amendment. MPs for the first time attained the required two-thirds majority to vote on a bill to amend the 2010 Constitution. Over 300 members of the National Assembly participated in the vote that went almost until midnight at the second stage where 235 supported the bill, 83 for No while two abstained. Most allies of Deputy president William Ruto rejected the bill during the vote that largely took cue from the political alignments in the country. Some voted in support. During voting in the third reading, the Ayes were 224, Nays 63, while two abstained. Below is a look at how the MPs voted; Yussuf Hassan - YES Abdullahi Bashir - YES Abuor Paul - YES Beatrice Adagala - YES Adan Safia Sheilh - YES Shakeel Shabbir - YES Alpha Miruka - YES Adan Haji Ali - YES Fatuma Gedi - YES Ali Amin Deddy - YES Olago Aluoch - YES Rashid Amin - YES Otiende Amollo - YES Ayub Savula - YES Angwenyi Jimmy - YES Samuel Arama - YES Malimo Arbelle - YES Janet Teiyaa - YES David Ole Sankok - YES Dennitah Ghati - YES Simba Arati - YES Samuel Atandi - YES Babu Owino - YES Badi Twalib - YES Owen Baya - YES Florence Koskey - NO Sakwa Bunyasi - YES Rosa Buyu - YES Jane Jepkorir - NO Moses Cheboi - Abstain Sabina Chege - YES Gladwell Cheruiyot - YES Charity Kathambi - YES Charles Kamuren - NO Kassait Kamket - YES William Chepkut - YES Dawood Abdul Rahim - YES Samuel Moroto - NO Mohamed Dahir - YES Aden Duale - NO Joyce Emanikor - NO Francis Chachu - YES Rigathi Gachagua - NO Samuel Kinuthia - YES Mercy Gakuya - YES David Gikaria - YES Faith Gitau - NO Ali Wario Guyo - YES Charles Gimose - NO Robert Gichimu - YES George Macharia - NO Lilian Achieng - YES Maalim Hassan - YES Said Buya - YES Rehema Hassan - NO Moses Injendi - YES Zuleikha Hassan - YES Ahmed Ibrahim - YES Hassan Mohamed - YES Tim Wanyonyi - YES Kimani Ichung'wah - NO Cyprian Iringo - YES Wainaina Jungle - YES Maina Kamanda - YES TJ Kajwang - YES Rehema Jaldesa - NO George Kaluma - YES Elijah Memusi - YES Joyce Kamene - YES Ahmed Bashane - YES Charles Njagua - YES Alfred Keter - YES Mohamed Garane - YES Oku Kaunya - YES Abdi Mude - YES Paul Kahindi - YES Kanini Kega - YES Aisha Jumwa - NO Irene Kasalu - YES Adan Knaan - YES Anthony Kiai - YES Muturi Kigano - YES David Njuguna - YES Peter Kihara - YES Kuria Kimani - YES Charles Kilonzo - YES Amos Kimunya - YES Johanna Kipyegon - NO Simon King'ara - YES Jeremiah Kioni - YES Michael Kingi - YES Julius Kibiwott- NO William Cheptumo - NO Joseph Kipkosgei - NO George Sunkuiya - YES Kivai Ernest - YES Gideon Konchellah - YES Wilson Kogo - NO Nelson Arap Koech - NO Beatrice Cherono - NO Richard Chonga - YES Gideon Keter - NO Sarah Korere - YES Nixon Korir - NO Kipsengeret Koros - NO Hilary Kosgei - NO Caleb Kositany - NO Gideon Kimutai - YES Dominic Kosgei - NO John Waluke - NO Jackson Lentoi - YES Leshoomo Maison - YES Naisula Lesuuda - YES Lentoimaga Alois - YES Peter Lochakapong - YES Liza Chelule - NO Jeremiah Ekamais - YES Moses Lesonnet - NO Mark Lomunokol - YES Daniel Maanzo - YES Maoka Maore - YES Justus Kizito - YES Joseph Manje - YES Sylvanus Maritim - NO Esther Passaris - YES James Murgor - NO Cornelly Serem - NO Didmus Barasa - NO Joshua Kimilu - YES Fred Odhiambo - YES Joseph Limo - NO Jane Kihara - NO Richard Oyonka - YES James Lomenen - NO Brighton Yegon - NO Alfred Agoi - YES Julius Musili - YES Jessica Mbalu - YES Mishi Mboko - YES Kareke Mbiuki - YES Mbogo Ali Menza - YES Peter Masara - YES Cecily Mbarire - NO Josphat Gichunge - NO David Mwalika - YES Robert Mbui - YES Swarup Mishra - YES Omboko Milemba - YES Ahmed Kolosh - YES Mohamed Ali (Nyali) - NO Mohamed Osman - YES Ahmed Abdisalam Ibrahim - YES Lokiru Mohamed - NO Athman Ali - NO Kipruto Moi - YES Ben Momanyi - YES Jerusha Momanyi - YES Shadrack Mose - YES Halima Mucheke - YES Mahamud Sheikh - YES Michael Muchira - YES Gichuki Mugambi - YES Titus Khamala - YES Joseph Kalasinga - YES Gabriel Kago - YES Makali Mulu - YES Gideon Mutemi - YES Victor Munyaka - NO Mugambi Rindikiri - NO Aramat Lemanken - NO Aduma Owuor - YES Naomi Shaban - YES Mark Nyamita - YES Tecla Tum - NO George Murugara - NO Kathuri Murungi - YES Stanley Muthama - YES Japheth Kiplangat - NO Jeffrey King'ang'i - NO John Mutunga - NO Florence Mutua - YES Andrew Mwadime - YES Jonah Mburu - YES Ted Mwambire - YES Kamoti Mwamkale - YES Benjamin Gathiru - YES Patrick Musimba - YES James Gichuhi - YES Mwangaza Kawira - YES Moses Kirima - NO Wangari Mwaniki - YES Khatib Abdallah - YES Peter Mwathi - YES John Paul Mwirigi - NO John Lodepe - NO Gertrude Mbeyu - YES Abdulswamad Nassir - YES Johnson Manya - YES Caleb Amisi - YES Danson Mwashako - YES Daniel Nanok - NO Patrick Munene - NO Waihenya Ndirangu - YES John Mbadi - YES Charles Ngusya - YES Kimani Ngunjiri - YES Charles Njagagua - YES Muchangi Kalemba - NO Moses Kuria - NO Joseph Ndwati - YES Jane Njiru - YES Jude Njomo - YES Purity Wangui - NO Joash Nyamachi - YES Junet Mohamed - YES Beatrice Nkatha - NO Mary Njoroge - YES Sofia Abdi Noor - YES Rachael Nyamai - YES Amina Hassan - YES Edith Nyenze - YES Paul Nzengu - YES Nzambia TK - YES Ndindi Nyoro -NO Erastus Nzioka - YES Joshua Mwalio - YES James Nyikal - YES Eve Obara - YES Pamela Awuor - YES Tom Mboya Odege - YES David Ochieng - YES Elisha Odhiambo - YES Ruweida Mohamed - YES Jacqueline Oduol. - YES Christine Oduor - YES James Onyango - YES Geoffrey Odanga - YES Millie Odhiambo -YES Gideon Ochanda - YES Zadock Ogutu - YES Imran Okoth - YES Soipan Tuya - NO Nasri Sahal - YES Anab Gure - NO Hassan Oda - YES Moitalel Ole Kenta - YES Andrew Adipo - YES Ezekiel Machogu George Aladwa - YES Antony Oluoch - YES Christopher Omulele - YES Katoo Ole Metito - YES Korei Ole Lemein - YES Jared Okello - YES Geoffrey Omuse - YES Bernard Masaka - YES Janet Ongera - YES Godfrey Osostsi - YES Ojiambo Oundo -YES Walter Owino - YES Joseph Oyula - YES Martin Owino -YES David Kosing - YES Feisal Bader - YES Robert Pukose - NO Dido Raso - NO Daniel Rono - NO Joshua Kutuny - YES Jeniffer Shamalla - YES Abdi Shurie - YES Wilson Sossion - YES Gladys Shollei - NO Sammy Arap Seronei - YES Daudi Eseli - YES Dan Wanyama - NO Janet Chepkemboi - NO Kassim Tandaza - YES Benjamin Dalu - YES George Theuri - NO Abdi Koropu - YES Richard Nyagaka - YES Ronald Tanui - NO Kwenya Thuku - YES Gabriel Tong'oyo - NO Silas Tiren - YES Peris Tobiko - YES Daniel Tutayek - NO Josphat Kabinga - YES Chris Wamalwa - YES Rahab Mukami - NO Alice Wahome - NO Githua Wamashukuru - YES John Munene - YES Martha Wangari - YES Ngunjiri Wambugu - YES Christopher Aseka - YES Gathoni Wamuchomba - YES Gladys Wanga - YES Opiyo Wandayi - YES Raphael Wanjala - YES Wafula Wamunyinyi - YES Catherine Waruguru - YES Emmanuel Wangwe - YES Mathias Robi - NO Elsie Muhanda - YES Ferdinand Wanyonyi - YES Benjamin Washiali - NO Qalicha Gufu - Abstain Charles Were - YES John Kiarie - NO Adan Haji Yusuf - YES Joyce Korir - NO Kangongo Bowen - NO

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