
Thursday, March 24, 2016

Uhuru and Ruto get extra Sh1.2 billion to keep wolf from the door this year

Mar. 24, 2016, 5:00 am
President Uhuru Kenyatta with Chinese Ambassador to Kenya Dr. Liu Xianfa during the sendoff ceremony for students sponsored by the China Communications Construction company (CCCC) at State House, Nairobi.Photo PSCU
President Uhuru Kenyatta with Chinese Ambassador to Kenya Dr. Liu Xianfa during the sendoff ceremony for students sponsored by the China Communications Construction company (CCCC) at State House, Nairobi.Photo PSCU

President Uhuru Kenyatta and Deputy President William Ruto have received an additional Sh1.2 billion for recurrent spending before the end of this financial year.
However, the development budget for the presidency has been reduced by Sh806 million, meaning their budget will have increased by Sh434 million to Sh8.2 billion.
The 2016 Supplementary Budget indicates that Ruto’s office will get an additional Sh610 million, while State House Affairs will get a Sh428 million top up.
Some Sh100 million has been set for domestic travel, rentals of produced assets and other operating expenses under the Office of the Deputy President.
There is also Sh153 million that has been allocated to the Lamu Port Southern Sudan-Ethiopia Transport project.
The National Treasury has also proposed that Cabinet Affairs gets an additional Sh276 million of which Sh243.9 million will go into hospitality and supplies.
“These increases will put an upward trajectory on the expenditure for the presidency given that its allocation has been on the increase over the last three years,” the Parliamentary Budget Office says in its report on the analysis of the Supplementary Budget.
The analysis indicate that Treasury issued a circular on reducing foreign travel by 50 per cent, local travel by
30 per cent, office furniture and equipment purchase by 40 per cent and hospitality by 30 per cent.
However, the vote for hospitality supplies and services at the presidency has increased by Sh725 million.
Just two weeks ago, opposition MPs protested the allocation of Sh2.5 billion to Ruto’s office in the upcoming 2016-17 budget.
The DP’s office has been allocated Sh2.557 billion, with Sh2.384 billion for recurrent expenditure and Sh173 million for development.
“Why should this Parliament give the DP Sh2 billion? What projects does he undertake when Kenyans who are being taxed have no roads?” National Assembly deputy minority leader Jakoyo Midiwo said.
The opposition had previously questioned the source of funds for the DP’s high-flying harambees that he has been conducting across the country during weekends.
South Mugirango MP Manson Nyamweya questioned the motive of allocating huge resources to the DP’s office at a time when Kenyans are crying for good roads.
“This means the DP will use Sh6.5 million every day. It is unfortunate for this country when we are unable to do good schools, roads and hospitals,” he said.
The Cabinet has approved a Sh2 trillion in the 2016-17 financial year budget plan.


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