
Saturday, October 17, 2015


My attention is drawn to series of lies and overtures made by RAILA and company (cord /ODM)to the Kalenjin people and section of Jubilee coalition supporters mainly from URP.
That is a friend and a brother and he now willing to testify and prove William Rutos innocence in ICC. Nothing can be further from the truth. History has it that he is actually a betrayer.
Let it down the memory lane.
On 3rd January 2008 Raila held a press conference where he stated that ODM was going to take the Kenyan case on PEV to the ICC so that leaders could be prosecuted. This was immediately after Kiambaa church fire which was attributed ODM supporters.
On 20th Jan 2008 ODM SG acting for Raila, invited Ocampo to initiate investigation in Kenya which happened 7days before the Naivasha retaliatory attacks. So who did he want Ocampo to investigate at this earliest time in moment.
In Feb 2010 Raila tried to destroy Ruto’s political career when he sacked him from cabinet as aminister for agriculture and accused him of corruption, is only Mwai Kibaki who reinstated him back to his position as a minister this shows that clearly he is not a friend of Ruto.
In 2011 Raila and ODM wrote to UN Security council to resist PNU effort to stop ICC process. In his letter he gave 16 reasons to justify why he wanted ICC process to continueand this begs the question, did he really want the cases terminated?
After the collapse of Henry Koskei case he bragged that he was behind the collapse and saving of Henry Koskei because according to him he ,”co-operated with me”. so what exactly did he do and why did he not do for Ruto? Is it because he did “not co-operate with him”and so is he his friend or his betrayer.
In March 2012 Raila sensationally stated that it was a right for Uhuru and Ruto to be operating as free men.He said that crimes against humanity were worse than murder yet these suspects of crimes remained free to traverse the country holding prayer meetings while Kenyan suspects of lesser crimes conducted prayers in Kamiti. He asserted that criminals should in prison and not state house.
In May 2013 while at in an interview in Citizen tv he suggested that if he were president Ruto will be rotting in jail for being associated with corruption.
Again in September 2013 his co- principle, Kalonzo stated that Uhuru and Ruto had to attend their ICC trials in full and termed as ‘old and selfish’ the decision to call Mps for special sitting which was to discuss a special motion to pull Kenya out of ICC.If I can remember he was to collect a million signatures to reverse the decision if it was adopted.
In Feb 2015 his other co-principal Moses Wetangula insisted that Ruto should carry his own ICC cross and stated that the deputy president should not drag kenya as a country to it. While speaking at a rally at Lungalunga in Kwale county he loudly said Uhuru and Ruto belonged to the Hague.
In August 2015 Raila accused Ruto over the collapse of sugar industry when he was the minister for agriculture. Clearly trying to make him the enemy of sugarcane farmers from western Kenya. The same month he described Ruto as a ‘high priest of corruption’ in Kenya clearly showing no love lost between him and the DP.
It is important to note that RailaOdinga was the biggest beneficiary of PEV because through it he became the Prime Minister of Kenya,a position that never existed before and which he got himself to power albeit through “nusumkate ‘arrangement.
On 30th October 2014, I personally had an experience with his lies and pretence when right in-front of him I was beaten, kicked and hounded out of a meeting he was chairing and told to go to Ruto meaning that people whom he did not want were supposed to be with Ruto. All this time he did not make any effort to save me. Now that he has never testified about the injustice done to me right under his nose, how can he claim that he can testify to save Ruto at ICC.
Bottom line is, he hates us, he hates the truth and he is allergic to competition. That’s why as a community of Kenyans, we get skeptical when he promises that he has a testimony that can save Ruto.
I caution the jubilee alliance supporters not to be hoodwinked by this character who is reminiscent of the proverbial hyena who follows a man’s hand thinking that it would fall the next minute.
His principle agenda is to cause division and ultimately destroy jubilee coalition so that he may reap from the division.
I urge Kenyans to be weary of such machinations by known doomsayers.
Thank you
Hon. Magerer Langat
Former Ass. Minister and M.P

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