
Sunday, September 28, 2014

You are invited to see AFRIZO

You are invited to see AFRIZO,  a Daystar University musical group, on Tuesday October 7, 2014 at Enon Tabernacle Baptist 2800 W Cheltenham Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19150.  Concert starts at 7 PM. 

On Thursday October 9, 2014, AFRIZO's concert will be at Old Pine Presbyterian Church 412 Pine Street Philadelphia, PA 19106. Concert starts at 7 PM. 

The concerts are free. CD sales and offering go to student scholarships. Hellen Amollo Mtawali is the lead singer. Please pass the invite to others. 

For sample music and videos visit

Coming all the way from Nairobi, Kenya, this dynamic group sings and dances their way through a concert full of African traditional and gospel-style music.  Afrizo (acronym for “African Zone”) will feature music from South, Central, and East Africa, drawing on rich African traditions sung in English, Swahili, and African tribal languages. The members of Afrizo are students at Daystar University and sing under the direction of celebrity singer and Daystar professor, Hellen Mtawali.

The goal of Afrizo’s tour is to raise scholarship funds for promising young people who wouldn’t otherwise be able to attend Daystar University. After the service you’ll have a chance to meet the members of Afrizo, purchase CDs, and learn more about Daystar.

Daystar University in Nairobi, Kenya is one of the largest Christian liberal arts universities in Africa.  It has over 4,400 students, and they come from over 20 African countries. 

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