
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Uhuru Tells Ruto To Complete His PhD and Not To Embarrass The Government

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President Uhuru has urged his deputy William Ruto to complete his further studies and ‘not to embarrass the government’.
The head of state was speaking yesterday at the University of Nairobi during the laying of the foundation for their 22-storey University of Nairobi Towers.
In his semi off the cuff address, the president said, ” It gives me great joy to be here once again! I am happy to join you at this ceremony, at an institution which many proudly know as their esteemed alma mater! They include my Deputy who I hear is back here to complete his PhD! As president, I have done my part, always encouraging him to work hard and please his processors and supervisors in order to do well and not to embarrass us..” amidst laughter from the public.
Speaking about the project, Uhuru said, ”It is evident that the University of Nairobi  intends to maintain and improve this leadership position, and to benefit a larger number of people by it. We are inaugurating the building which is a beautifully imagined and designed, modern and green towers! The towers embody the best attributes, the University’s excellent standards, splendid vision, astute strategy and consistent delivery! It represents our collective aspiration as a nation to rise high and tower above our challenges and issues! It symbolizes our ambition to lead, and our drive to succeed.
Additional reporting by News24

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