
Friday, August 1, 2014

Corridors Of Power

Friday, August 1, 2014 - 00:00 -- BY POLITICAL DESK
Parliament building
Parliament building
A firebrand MP from Western is on the watchlist of Cord co-principals and is now being targeted for disciplinary action. A source told Corridors that the Cord leaders started raising eyebrows last week after the second-time MP kept a low profile throughout the coalition’s parliamentary meeting held at Boma Hotel, Nairobi.
An MP from South Nyanza has fallen out with his colleagues in Parliament. The legislators are unhappy with the first-time MP due to his combative and unrestrained manner in handing party  issues. The first-time MP has become ODM party leader Raila Odinga’s close buddy. The legislators also think that the vocal MP has been gaining political ground and has overshadowed them such that Raila relies on his counsel more than theirs.
A female principal of a mixed secondary school in Sondu, Kisumu county, is on the spot after she allegedly undressed a Form Four student in public accusing her of wearing a “mini-skirt". The student's guardian told Corridors that the principal forced the girl to remove her skirt and petticoat leaving her with her panties only amid laughter and ‘admiration’ from the male students. The guardian has called on education heads in Kisumu to act as they plan to report the matter to the police, saying the incident has traumatised the girl.
The Teachers Service Commission has a selective, or simply a rigid system of availing information to the media, yet it represents teachers who are one of the biggest and most important publics for the commission. It is difficult to get the closet information from the commission because there is only person to release it. One would be referred to a specific directorate, which would again argue that only one person has the authority to release information. In fact, the only time the commission goes easy on speaking to the media is during a teachers' strike. There is need to review information management at the commission. Directorates should be allowed to speak to the media if TSC has to be a transparent organisation and live up to Jubilee’s digital government .
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