Dr. Alfred Mutua added 15 new photos.
6 hrs ·
Earlier today, I was at Mitaboni Market in Kathiani Sub-County presiding over the Launch of the Machakos County Comprehensive Water and Food Security Programme.
The County Government intends to provide sufficient water for the majority of its residents by the end of the year. We are thus drilling boreholes, sinking dams, constructing water pans and arresting rain water for both domestic and agricultural use.
As part of the Comprehensive Water and Agricultural Program I launched last month at Masinga, today I was at Mitaboni to officiate rolling out of the same. Residents of Mitaboni and the larger Kathiani Constituency will have boreholes drilled; the existing ones rehabilitated and dams sunk so that we remain on course to have clean water in every household by 2017.
Infrastructure is key to development therefore we intend to have the Mitaboni -Komarock road tarmacked and by doing so, ending the perennial discomfort that our people have had to endure while using the said road years on end. Also, we are erecting shades for traders in both Kathiani and Kaveani markets, our mothers wont have to be selling their wares in the scorching sun anymore, thats a thing of the past.
In regards to health, we have bought 4 incubators for Kathiani Hospital to eradicate infant mortality and improve provision of health services to the new borns.
In order to achieve food security, I have given 3,200 chicklets to farmers and 80 greenhouses to go to women groups. I also urge farmers to shift from growing traditional crops that fail once the rains are gone and instead grow those that resist drought such as millet, sorghum and green grams.
The department of Agriculture has managed to revive the Machakos Coffee Millers and therefore encourage farmers in the county to sell their crop to the factory at competitive prices. It has also found market for avocado so that no more fruit will rot for lack of market.
I call on leaders to desist from attacking one another and focus on delivery of services to the people who elected them.
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