
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Corridors of Power

Saturday, January 25, 2014 - 00:00 -- BY POLITICAL DESK
The Parliament building. Photo/Monicah Mwangi
The Parliament building. Photo/Monicah Mwangi
Ethics and Anti Corruption boss Mumo Matemu. Photo/HEZRON NJOROGE
Ethics and Anti Corruption boss Mumo Matemu. Photo/HEZRON NJOROGE
Sam Nyamweya
Sam Nyamweya
Interior cabinet secretary Joseph Ole Lenku. Photo/Monicah Mwangi
Interior cabinet secretary Joseph Ole Lenku. Photo/Monicah Mwangi
A cabinet secretary was left with a wounded ego after a sexual overture to a TV presenter at a local station was rebuffed with unmitigated contempt. The young presenter politely told the CS she was not ready to break the heart of his fiancée. The CS had showed up at the station and asked the young journalist for a date that would include trips Madagascan archipelago. The CS made the proposal so confident of victory that when the overtures was politely repulsed he is said to have asked his driver to drive off immediately from this place.
It seems that Ethics and Anti Corruption boss Mumo Matemu has another passion besides fighting graft. We are told that last week, the man quietly took a Sh25,000 cheque to St Georges High School for a FGM victim rescued in Narok after watching it on television. We are told the man avoided all the efforts to publicize the act instead telling the people who were nagging him that he does not want to be distracted from “the enormous task Kenyans have bestowed me and my team with.”
On Thursday we told you that some members of the executive of the Football Federation were unhappy with their president Sam Nyamweya and would not back him when elections are called. We are told that the executive members do not vote for the President who is elected by clubs.
Is John Muthutho's appointment about to be revoked? We are told that his minister Joseph Ole Lenku is very unhappy with the NACADA chairman for over stepping his mandate. Those in the know tell us that the minister has raised his concerns with his colleagues who seat on the NACADA board and asked them to advice how best to deal with Muthutho. The former Naivasha MP has been ratting managers at NACADA where he is demanding things that are not provided for in the ACT.
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