
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Ruto told to vie for 2017 presidency

Monday, December 30, 2013 - 00:00 -- BY NICHOLAS WAMALWA
Kiminini MP Chris Wamalwa has asked Deputy President William Ruto not to wait for ten years before vying for president. Speaking in Kitale on Saturday, Wamalwa said President Uhuru Kenyatta’s statement that he will rule for another five years is a sign of being power hungry and dictatorial.
“Ruto should not wait for ten years to vie for president because vying is a democratic right of every Kenyan,” he said. During his tour in Rift Valley recently, Uhuru said he will rule for ten years before Ruto takes over for the another ten years.
Wamalwa, who is Cord deputy whip in the National Assembly, said Cord principals, Raila Odinga, Moses Wetang’ula and Kalonzo Musyoka will face each other in primaries before getting one candidate for 2017 elections.
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