
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Corridors of Power

Wednesday, November 6, 2013 - 00:00 -- BY POLITICAL DESK
If you are wondering why MPs who are serving their second term have suddenly gone quiet, then worry no more. It is deliberate and they are making money. At least if two of them are to be believed. That is an answer the two gave a pesky first time MP, who sought to find out why the MPs are silent. The MPs, who were vocal members of the last parliament, dismissed the MP and curtly told him they regret having “wasted” their first term making unnecessary noise in the House in the name of ideals. They reminded the pesky MP that it is his time to “waste” his first term and allow them to make money.
Did a high court judge receive bribes from two opposing litigants in an election petition? Yesterday, a loser in one of the poll cases revealed to Corridors that he offered a judge a bribe on the promise that his election would be upheld.  To his dismay the judge overturned his election, leaving him to conclude that his opponent offered a larger bribe to the judge.
A member of Nairobi county assembly threatened, and nearly shot one of his nominated colleagues, after an argument on an issue that remains unclear to other members. The matter has angered his colleagues so much that they want the man recalled for being a threat to peace. As a matter of fact the MCAs want his gun repossessed by the Inspector General of Police, David Kimaiyo.
A little bird has whispered to Corridors that one of the presidential candidates who lost in the last elections is just about to land a major parastatal job. The man, who has made a mess out of himself out of frustrations, has been lobbying the President’s men quietly and his prayers, we are told, have been answered. The man is expected to be given unspecified role in the LAPSSET project that is still under construction.
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