
Monday, October 21, 2013

Anxiety as Kibwana ponders resignation

PHOTO | FILE Makueni Governor Kivutha Kibwana speaks at a stakeholders meeting of the Konza Technopolis Development Authority on August 6, 2013. Looking on is Makueni Senator Mutula Kilonzo Jnr.
PHOTO | FILE Makueni Governor Kivutha Kibwana speaks at a stakeholders meeting of the Konza Technopolis Development Authority on August 6, 2013. Looking on is Makueni Senator Mutula Kilonzo Jnr.  NATION MEDIA GROUP
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The Makueni County government is facing the possibility of a shutdown as its governor and legislature pull in different directions, paralysing essential services.
The battle pits Governor Kivutha Kibwana and his executive committee against Speaker Stephen Ngelu and 43 of the 47 members of the county assembly.
Sources told Sunday Nation that Prof Kibwana has sought an audience with President Uhuru Kenyatta over the standoff.
“He is looking at an avenue where the county government can be dissolved to pave way for a by-election. The law has a way out, and this is where he is aiming. He has won the residents to his side, and if a by-election is held, he is sure of a comeback, but not with majority of the members of the county assembly,” said a member of the county executive who asked not to be named because he had not been authorised to speak for the governor.
Governor Kibwana was elected on a Muungano Party ticket in a county that otherwise voted for the Wiper Party, making it hard for him to run the county.
Six months in office and the working relationship between him and the assembly representatives has soured.
Prof Kibwana has not shied away from expressing his frustrations which he has registered on Facebook and Twitter.
“It is unfortunate that the budget crisis is being led by Wiper Party members who are majority in the Assembly. I have told (Wiper Party Leader) Kalonzo Musyoka this. We don’t want interference in Makueni. I now believe more than before that Kalonzo, Senator Johnson Muthama etc should let Kibwezi West people choose a leader of their choice without imposition. We must break from the past of the people’s right to choose being taken away from them. We should be left to chart its own destiny.” read a post on his Facebook page two weeks ago regarding the county’s budget crisis.
Matters deteriorated after this post with MCAs taking offence and intensifying their battle. Prof Kibwana appeared to have taken it hard as he fell ill and was diagnosed with high blood pressure and stress. He is undergoing treatment in Israel.
The animosity has been heightened by the budget standoff where the Assembly wants Sh624 million, but the governor says Sh554 million should be enough. On Octobeer 14 Prof Kibwana posted his intention to step down. “WanaMakueni (the people of Makueni) I actually never told you that over the last three days I have been hospitalised with high blood pressure and stress”. (READ: Sh975M budget 'outrageous', Makueni governor says)
“My negotiations have reached a dead end. I have realised that I cannot effectively respond to what I perceive to be county assembly insensitivity to the people’s needs. It is the Assembly that passes laws. I have decided that I can’t to be of help to the people of Makueni. After I leave hospital, I will tomorrow (Tuesday, October 15), offer a letter of resignation as governor of Makueni. I thank you for the privilege of serving you since March 27th 2013. If the development money which has begun to trickle since September is taken care of, it will still prosper our county. God bless Makueni”.
But the day he was expected to resign, he changed his mind, apparently because county leaders pleased with him to reconsider, according to an aide who requested anonymity.
The same day assembly members met to discuss how to impeach him. The motion is expected to be debated next week.
Majority Leader Francis Munyao accused Prof  Kibwana of alleged financial impropriety and high-handedness.
The MCAs have moved to Malili trading centre where they have been conducting their business to the chagrin of the governor and his executive team.

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