Monday, September 2, 2013

Joho, Sonko clash at Uhuru's function at Khadija grounds

Monday, September 2, 2013 - 00:00 -- BY STAR CORRESPONDENT
Nairobi Senator Mike Mbuvi Sonko and Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho confronted each other at Khadija Primary School grounds in Mombasa. The duo exchanged words after President Uhuru Kenyatta finished issuing title deeds to Mombasa residents on Friday evening.
Sonko said Jubilee has proved Coast leaders wrong after the residents voted for Cord in the March 4 general election. Sonko told off Joho and Cord leaders for opposing the issuance of title deeds to Coast residents saying the leaders have hundreds of acres in Lamu.
He said Joho should withdraw a case against Mombasa county workers who were arrested when they went on strike. Emotions flared up after nominated Senator Emma Mbura said she will pursue a degree ahead of 2017 general election. The statement is said to have been motivated by Sonko to castigate Joho in regard to a case where he is accused of acquiring his academic degree fraudulently.
Joho dismissed Sonko and the two pushed each other before they were separated by their respective bodyguards. The two are said to have argued at the Mombasa ASK show ground during the official opening of the show by the President.
A source told the Star that Sonko was angered after a section of the youth addressed Joho as ‘his Excellency’. Sonko said the title is reserved for Uhuru. Joho said Mombasa people love him.
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