Wednesday, August 21, 2013



We, the Members of Mombasa County Assembly, as legally elected representatives of the People of Mombasa wish to state the following regarding recent political developments in the County;
1. We went through a valid electoral process and elected our political leaders to drive our development agenda on March 4, 2013.

2. That Mombasa County is the only County in the whole of Kenya where all Members of the Assembly belong to one political Party i.e ODM, a clear demonstration of the visionary and strong leadership of His Excellency the Governor.

3. We categorically state that as representatives of the people of Mombasa we have a constitutional right to elect our leaders and which must be respected by all Kenyans.

4. We want to inform the public that His Excellency Governor Hassan Ali Joho was duly elected by the people of Mombasa in an open, transparent and accountable electoral process.

5. That since our election, our Governor has embarked on a clear path of steering the County to great heights of socio economic developments which all Kenyans have seen and admired.

6. That as representatives of the people of Mombasa, we are alive to the fact that the history of name calling has characterized our past politics, i.e referring to our leaders as drug barons, land grabbers, and lacking education. However, despite all this, the people of Mombasa have repeatedly elected His Excellency Hassan Ali Joho and now as first Governor of Mombasa County, the second largest city in Kenya.

7. We are aware that some people may wish to derail our development agenda through various ways; but as representatives of our people, we urge the Governor to ignore such side shows and concentrate on serving the people of Mombasa who gave him the mandate through the ballot.

8. Finally, anybody who wants to play politics should prepare him/herself for a tough battle just as we did during the just concluded poll.


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