
Monday, April 1, 2013

Governors have right to fly the flag, says Kabogo

By Eric Wainaina
Kiambu, Kenya: Kiambu County Governor William Kabogo has said the Attorney General Githu Muigai was out of order for sayinggovernors will not fly national flags on their vehicles.
Mr Kabogo, who was at St James ACK Cathedral in Kiambu town for the Easter Sunday service, had his car flying the flag despite Prof Muigai’s Saturday statement.
Muigai stated that only the President, Vice-President, Chief Justice, Speaker of the National Assembly, a minister or the Attorney General are allowed to fly the Kenyan flag on their cars.
Kabogo said the Transition Authority issued the flags they are flying to them immediately they were sworn in last week and therefore they were flying them legally.
“He is the Attorney General of Kenya and he needs to know how things work. Is he aware that the Transition Authority gave the flags to us? We are elected leaders and that’s how things are,” Kabogo told journalists after the service.
The AG said the National Flag, Emblems and Names Act cap 99 prohibits flying of the national flag on unauthorised motor vehicles and warned that those violating the law can be fined up to Sh2,000 and imprisoned for two months or both.
Many governors, after they were sworn in last week, have been flying the national flag on their vehicles, prompting the AG’s statement but Kabogo said they have not violated any law and they have the right to fly the flags.

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