
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Corridors Of Power

Deputy President William Ruto's handlers got a rude shock when they went to secure his new office. They had gone to inspect the office of the Prime Minister Raila Odinga which will be Ruto's new office but they were chased away by security guards as soon as they got into the reception area. The guards told Ruto's men that the Supreme Court had not concluded its case therefore no one was vacating the building. After realising that they would not gain entry they left vowing to come back another day.
The power struggles in the TNA side of the Jubilee Alliance are not ending. At the centre of the current tussle is the control of the budget for a planned after-party concert that will follow the swearing-in of President-elect Uhuru Kenyatta. While TNA officials say they have the responsibility of organising it, a group close to the presidential campaign has been keeping them away from the planning meetings.
The Kisii Chamber of Commerce is concerned about the increasing number of twilight girls in the area. Chairman Benjamin Onkoba said the rising number is a threat to the economy because they engage in their "business" outside shops where they leave used condoms for shop owners to  discarding in morning. He claimed that majority of the girls were students. “The situation is really worrying because the illegal business is even a threat to business in the area,” he said at a couples' workshop organized by the National Aids Control Council.
Teachers who served as invigilators in the last KCPE and KCSE examination are wondering what is taking the Kenya National Examinations Council so long to process their pay. Teachers who invigilated the primary school exams are supposed to get Sh1,500 for three days and the secondary invigilators Sh4,000 for 21 days. The supervisors for both primary and secondary schools are to be paid Sh2,000 and Sh5,000 but have not received any communication from the examination body. They are now saying the invigilation money is too little and should not take a long time to be released.

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