
Saturday, April 27, 2013

Corridors of Power

Employees of one of the county governments are up in arms with their governor who they accuse of unilaterally slashing their allowances. The employees were shocked when the flamboyant governor summoned all of them into his office and asked them to surrender all the allowances they had earned. He then proceeded to reduce it by a quarter with as much as an explanation. Now the employees are up in arms only that they are scared of the governor who has kicked up all manner of storms since he was elected.
All is not well in the Judicial Service Commission if what our mole tells us is any guide. Corridors has been informed that JSC members are so divided that they cannot agree on the shortlisted judges who were supposed to be published in the daily newspaper today. Our mole says the judiciary bosses have now postponed the process until until they build consensus after a meeting held earlier this week.
MPs who the corridors recently identified as having pushed each other on the verge of divorce have defended themselves against the accusations which they term as works of their enemies. The two MPs were together in parliament on Tuesday and were overheard discussing the matter. They said they are no longer bothered with rumours that link them to all manner of accusations. They said they are in good books with both their families and that the rumours are being peddled with people envious with the big number of votes they both received in the last elections.
A flamboyant senator has resorted to bribing some security details attached to the presidential escort as a way of getting access to State House. The senator who was a key pillar in the Jubilee Alliance campaigns has found the going tough since President Uhuru was sworn in as president. He has been jettisoned and it has been made clear that he is not wanted near state House after he failed to account for the huge sums of money he was given during the campaigns

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