
Monday, April 1, 2013

Corridors of Power

We are told that a senior AP officer has become the subject of discussion by his peers. Reason? The man has been taking pens branded 'Administration Police' and giving them to his children. Fellow officers are shocked at the behaviour of the top cop, whom they claim is abusing his office.
Several MPs and senators who were sworn in on Thursday had a hard time pronouncing the word ‘conscientiously’ while taking the oath of office. Out of fear of similarly embarrassing themselves, some of their peers opted to take the Kiswahili oath, which they deemed kinder on their tongues.
Chief Justice Willy Mutunga is one ‘digital’ man! On Thursday, at the conclusion of the submissions in the presidential election petition hearings, he insisted on carrying his iPad himself. He told the Supreme Court judges that the court orderlies could only carry the huge bundles of paper but wouldn't let them touch his iPad. The CJ was the only one of the six judges who used an iPad throughout the hearings.
The UDF party's Musalia Mudavadi is probably feeling like he's jumped from the frying pan into the fire, after he was blamed of failing to persuade his MPs to support one of their own – Kenneth Marende – in the election of the Speaker of the National Assembly. Marende lost the seat he has held for the past five years to Jubilee’s Justin Muturi. The Jubilee alliance took leadership of both houses of Parliament.

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