
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Raila: Kenya needs a solution

By Standard Digital Reporter
Nairobi, Kenya: Following the Supreme Court ruling on the presidential election petitions, CORD leader Raila Odinga came out to accept the verdict and wished president elect Uhuru Kenyatta luck in governing the country.
Raila had moved to court to petition against Uhuru’s election, citing malpractices in the electoral process.
Raila has however stated that he is going to spearhead a process of ensuring a resolution to the dispute is arrived at.
“I am going to tell my people that we should look at peaceful ways of resolving the dispute,” Said Raila.
He was speaking during a live interview with the BBC World Service on Sunday.
Raila who does not agree with the manner in which the Supreme Court handled the case said he would look into avenues to try address the issue and pursue justice.
“What has happened here is a replica of what happened five years ago,” said Raila.
“I fear five years from now there will be voter apathy, people will not participate in elections anymore,” added Raila.

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