
Friday, February 1, 2013

Uhuru, Ruto cases set for mention

By Wahome Thuku 
KENYA; The twin criminal cases against Jubilee Alliance luminaries Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto will be mentioned before the International Criminal Court (ICC) mid this month.
Lawyers representing the two will be travelling to The Hague on February 14 for the status conferences, according to sources.
But Uhuru and Ruto, who are Jubilee presidential candidate and running mate, may skip the sessions as they are not required to be present when the cases go for the status conference before ICC’s Trial Chamber V.
Their trials for crimes against humanity start at The Hague on April 10 and 11, a time when the country could be going for a rerun of the presidential elections.
Status conferences are provided for under Article 64(3) of the Rome Statute for the court and the parties to set a trial date, confer on the necessary procedure for fair and expeditious trials, determine the language to be used in the proceedings, and agree on a timetable and scope for disclosure of documents and information for adequate preparation for the case.
These will be the second twin status conferences, the first having been held in June last year.

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