
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Uhuru Kenyatta sees ICC case "collapsing"

Jubilee presidential candidate Uhuru Kenyatta waves to supporters in Meru February 27, 2013. Mr Kenyatta said he was confident the charges facing him at the International Criminal Court (ICC) would be dropped. DPMPS
By NATION Reporter  ( email the author)

Posted  Wednesday, February 27  2013 at  15:11

Jubilee presidential candidate Uhuru Kenyatta is confident the charges facing him at the International Criminal Court (ICC) will be dropped.
Mr Kenyatta drew a parallel to the case against his co-accused former head of public service Francis Muthaura saying it was "collapsing" and his would suffer the same fate.
"The trumped up charges against former head of public service Francis Muthaura have started collapsing," Mr Kenyatta told supporters in Meru town Wednesday.
"If Muthaura's case is collapsing, is that not an indication even mine will go nowhere? he posed.
Mr Kenyatta noted that ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda has "neither opposed the defence application for a postponement nor Muthaura's plea for his (case) to return to pre-trial".
On Tuesday, Ms Bensouda said the April 10 trial start date could be pushed to August due to lack of courtrooms at The Hague and safety of witnesses.
“An August 2013 start date would therefore provide the defence with several months after receiving the delayed disclosure witnesses’ identities and unredacted materials to review those materials and conduct the associated preparations before trial begins,” she said.
The ICC accuses Mr Kenyatta and Mr Muthaura of bearing the greatest responsibility for the post election violence in which 1,133 people were killed and 650,00 displaced.
Also accused are former Eldoret North MP William Ruto and former radio presenter Joshua arap Sang.
Mr Kenyatta is seeking the presidency while Mr Ruto is his running mate.
In Meru, Mr Kenyatta said a Jubilee government would complete the construction of Isiolo Airport saying this would boost the miraa (khat) trade.
"The people of Meru will not have to transport miraa all the way to Nairobi," he said.
He urged locals to vote en-masse so that the election "ends in round one".
Mr Kenyatta later campaigned in Nkubu, Chogoria, Chuka, Runyenjes and Embu town.
He was scheduled to address a Jubilee rally at Suswa, Narok County.

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