
Thursday, February 28, 2013

UHURU KENYATTA and WILLIAM RUTO cannot be trusted in leadership - RAILA ODINGA asserts

Thursday February 28, 2013 - With only four days remaining to the much anticipated General Election, CORD Presidential candidate Raila Odinga has led scathing attacks to Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta and Eldoret North MP William Ruto, saying they cannot be trusted in leadership.

Speaking at a rally in Garissa town on Wednesday, Raila warned the locals against electing the two, saying they do not have the interests of Kenyans at heart but are out to safe guard their own interests.

He asked the residents to elect him saying he has interests of Kenyans at heart.

Raila, who was accompanied by CORD leaders, outlined his vision for the people of Garissa and North Eastern region saying he will transform the region into becoming the countries breadbasket.

He revisited the unfulfilled promises he made to Garissa residents in 2007, blaming President Kibaki’s side of the coalition for frustrating him.

“I understand there are some things, I promised to do for you in 2007,” Raila said.

“I had promised to tackle some of the issues affecting you like poor infrastructure, poverty, water and many more but all this became impossible,” Raila added.


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