
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Sonko accuses Waititu of backing opponent

Wednesday, February 27, 2013 - 00:00 -- BY STAR REPORTER
Former Makadara MP Mike Sonko has said he’s ready to work with any of the candidates who will be elected as governor of Nairobi.
"I’m a servant of the people and I will not decide for the people who should lead them. If they decide it is Kidero or even Jimnah Mbaru I will work with him," said Sonko. Sonko claims that Waititu is undermining him by supporting his rival for the Nairobi Senator seat, Bishop Margaret Wanjiru of ODM.
According to the most recent Infotrak Harris opinion polls commissioned by the the Nation Media Group, Evans Kidero, the ODM candidate polled at 53 per cent to Waititus to 32 per cent
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