
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

RAILA ODINGA REVEALS to Al Jazeera the people who BURNT KIAMBAA church in 2007 (Talks on RUTO)

Wednesday February 27,2013 - Prime Minister Raila Odinga has told Al Jazeera TV that people who burnt Kiambaa church in Eldoret town during the 2007-08 post election violence  were not Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) followers, but government hired machinery.

In an interview with the Middle East based TV, Al Jazeera, early this week, the PM blamed  the police  for overreacting  and leading to massive loss of lives and property.

Raila said the people who were burnt at the Kiambaa church were innocent citizens who were killed by agents of status quo.

He denied any responsibility for the violence insisting that he never asked people to riot.

“Investigations were carried out and people were arrested and charged, tried and acquitted by the courts for lack of evidence. I now understand the International Criminal Court (ICC) says they have fresh evidence. The matter would then be sub-judice at this moment. So I would not want to comment further,” Raila said.

Raila said he was not connected to Eldoret North MP William Ruto during the 2007 Presidential elections and Ruto only joined him after the ODM nominations in September 2007.

In the Kiambaa massacre, more than 30 people including children and women diedwhen the Kiambaa PAG Church was burnt down during the 2007/08 post election violence by youths who were supporting Raila Odinga.


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