
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Raila Odinga: Cord to focus on industrial growth

The Coalition for Reforms and Democracy (Cord) presidential candidate Raila Odinga addresses a rally at Thika Stadium February 26, 2013. Speaking in Mwingi, Mr Odinga said his government will create an industrial revolution by establishing steel and power generation industries in Kitui County. PMPS
By KITAVI MUTUA  ( email the author)

Posted  Wednesday, February 27  2013 at  09:17

The Coalition for Reforms and Democracy (Cord) presidential candidate Raila Odinga has said his government will create an industrial revolution by establishing steel and power generation industries in Kitui County.
Mr Odinga said a Cord government will ensure the coal mining project in Mui Basin was fast-tracked to bring down the cost of energy, the biggest burden to local manufacturers.
“We’ll make Kenya the best investment destination in Africa by producing our own steel and the cheapest electricity from our mineral deposits to stimulate economic growth” he told a campaign rally at the Musila gardens in Mwingi town Tuesday.
Mr Odinga, who was accompanied by his running mate Kalonzo Musyoka, said the proposed Lappset corridor and the Lamu – Ethiopia railway line will be built using locally assembled steel manufactured from the coal and iron mines in the County.
“In three years, our dreams of having running steel mills will be realised and that will spur the country’s economy in tremendous scope while creating thousands of direct and indirect jobs” Mr Odinga said.
He told Kenyans that a vote for Cord will translate to jobs for youths saying Jubilee opponents will encounter difficulty attracting foreign investment.
Mr Musyoka said it was sad that the coal mining project had not taken off due to a smear campaign to discredit the tendering process done by the Ministry of Energy.
“Our country has immense potential to fire an industrial revolution that has made economies in Europe, Brazil, Korea and South Africa grow to lift their populations out of poverty yet some few crooks are only keen on frustrating growth” the VP said.
Mr Odinga and Mr Musyoka endorsed the coal mining contract awarded to a Chinese firm saying those opposed to the project were irresponsible leaders out to extort kick backs and bribes from investors.
The two leaders demanded the withdrawal of a court case seeking to halt the multi billion mining project saying the suit was not in the best interests of the local community and the country at large.
Six petitioners have filed a suit against the government and Chinese firm awarded the mining concession - Fenxi Mining Company at the High Court in Machakos.
"These people are working at the behest of malicious forces out to frustrate the coal mining project,” the PM said.
The two leaders, who were accompanied by Wiper candidates in the County, urged locals to turn out in large numbers and vote for Cord candidates saying they were confident of victory in round one.
Wiper candidates David Musila (senate), Dr Julius Malombe (Governor) and Nyiva Mwendwa (Women representative) among other parliamentary aspirants attended the rally. 

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