
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Jubilee wants polling clerks increased

Photo | AFP A voter walks out of a polling station past a policeman on August 4.
By NJERI RUGENE  ( email the author)

Posted  Wednesday, February 27  2013 at  13:41

The Jubilee coalition wants the number of clerks at polling centres to be increased ahead of Monday’s General Election to ensure fast and efficient voting.
The coalition argues that the turn-out for Monday’s election will be massive in an election where voters will be picking six candidates in the first election under the 2010 Constitution.
“This reality will obviously lead to long queues which, as we know, can end up testing the patience of voters and even discouraging some from participating. This is a likely eventuality that must be avoided at any cost. This time round, we cannot afford to give any Kenyan with a voter’s card an excuse not to participate in the March 4th2013 election,’’ the team said on Tuesday evening.
In a statement, the Jubilee Advisory Council also suggested that March 5 also be declared a public holiday to give voters who will have travelled home to vote time to return to their work stations.
The coalition called on Kenyans to support the electoral commission, saying IEBC should be left alone to discharge its mandate “and deliver a credible elections without due interference.’’
“Nobody should cast aspersions or unwarranted doubts over the intention or capability of the IEBC. Instead, every well-intentioned Kenyan who stands for peace and who truly cares for a greater future of this country must support the efforts the commission is putting towards delivering a free and fair election."
The coalition said it had “full confidence’’ in the IEBC and welcomed the team’s efforts and assurances to the country that it would deliver a credible General Election.
The electoral commission was also urged to ensure that illiterate and visually impaired voters were assisted to participate in the elections.
The coalition further asked its supporters to maintain peace ahead and during the election.

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