
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

HATE LEAFLETS in Nyanza ask LUHYAS to leave LUO NYANZA immediately or after RAILA is PRESIDENT

Wednesday February 27, 2013 - With just 5 days remaining to the eagerly awaited general election, members of the Luhya community have been urged to leave Luo Nyanza region before Monday’s poll.

This message was in leaflets in major towns in parts of Luo Nyanza on Tuesday, where members of the Luhya community were told to pack and go back home to their ancestral land before March 4th.

Migori Police Boss, Alfred Makoma, confirmed this, and said they have received complaints and the leaflets indicated that “original” residents will send away their neigbours whom they termed as “immigrants” once Prime Minister Raila Odinga assumes office on March 5th.

The police boss said they are looking for a car that was used to drop the leaflets.

“We call on the residents who see this vehicle to report to the police immediately,” Makoma said.

He said the hate leaflets were written in Dholuo language, and urged residents to liaise with the police to nail the hate mongers.


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