
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Foreign Affairs PS Thuita Mwangi out on Sh2m bail

Foreign Affairs Permanent Secretary Thuita Mwangi (right) and ministry official Allan Mburu (left) in court February 28, 2013. The two were released on a Sh2 million cash bail. PAUL WAWERU
Foreign Affairs Permanent Secretary Thuita Mwangi (right) and ministry official Allan Mburu (left) in court February 28, 2013. The two were released on a Sh2 million cash bail. PAUL WAWERU 
Posted  Thursday, February 28  2013 at  13:54

Foreign Affairs Permanent Secretary Thuita Mwangi who is facing abuse of office charges has been released on a Sh2 million cash bail.
Mr Thuita and ministry official Allan Mburu was also released.
The court will issue a ruling whether the two will plead to the charges on March 8.
Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission vice-chairperson Irene Keino had said Mr Mwangi would be charged with four counts of abuse of office relating to the Tokyo Embassy scandal and other issues in the 

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