
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Jubilee now a coalition for reforms & democracy

Jubilee leaders being prayed for by Bishop Mary Kagendo of the Kisima Cha Neema Cha Mwana Wa Daudi Church at Mishomoroni in Mombasa on Sunday. [PHOTOs: maarufu mohamed and KEVIN ODIT/STANDARD]

By Patrick Beja
MOMBASA; KENYA: Jubilee Coalition took its campaigns to vote-rich Mombasa County and hit back at the Coalition for Reforms and Democracy (CORD), questioning its ability to carry out reforms.
The Uhuru Kenyatta-led coalition claimed CORD could not bring meaningful reforms because it contained elderly politicians who lacked fresh ideas necessary for change. It is Uhuru’s first campaign rally in Mombasa in a long time as the Jubilee Alliance sought votes in a province and county that is largely tilted towards CORD and Prime Minister Raila Odinga.
A few kilometres away, Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) aspirants led by Mombasa Senate candidate Ramadhan Kajembe and Governor aspirant Ali Hassan Joho led a parallel rally at Tononoka grounds and said Uhuru and Jubilee were incapable of winning support in Coast Province because of past historical injustices.
Uhuru, who is the Jubilee presidential candidate, claimed Vice-President Kalonzo Musyoka, ODM Chairman Henry Kosgey and Heritage Minister William ole Ntimama were in Government for more than 20 years and had nothing new to offer.
“Kalonzo Musyoka has been in Government for 28 years. What new ideas can he offer,” Uhuru posed. Uhuru and his running mate were on Sunday addressing a political rally at Chaani Primary School in Changamwe constituency, Mombasa County.
Jubilee running mate William Ruto said he served in ODM as a member of the Pentagon but was later kicked out due to alleged lack of democracy. “I served as a member of the ODM Pentagon and nobody can tell me about democracy and reforms,” Ruto said.
He said Jubilee would give Kenyan farmers certified seeds and subsidised fertilisers to improve food security. He issued a warning to drug lords in the country saying if Jubilee took over Government they would be weeded out.
Drug free
“We will make the country drug free. Drug dealers should take notice that they will be weeded out of the country by Jubilee as they have ruined the youth,” Ruto said. Interestingly, Republican Congress Party of Kenya leader and Jubilee Mombasa County senatorial candidate Mr Najib Balala was absent at the rally.
There were no apologies given as the leaders addressed the meeting. There was also no mention of Balala who was expected to play host to the visiting team. Balala, who was a member of the Pentagon like Ruto, joined the Jubilee team after he fell out with Raila. Attempts to reach Balala by phone on Sunday were futile.
In direct reference to Kalonzo, Uhuru claimed the CORD running mate was a liability because he had allegedly failed to perform in Government. “For Ruto and I we have been in Government for a total of only eight years. Ruto served for two years in the current Government and I served six. We want to bring change. We want to bring in Government people like Sonko (Mike Mbuvi) with fresh ideas,” Uhuru said.
Uhuru also took issue with CORD over reforms, saying the rival coalition should not claim credit as reforms were not owned by a few individuals but all Kenyans. “No individual in this country should brag owning the reforms. All of us own the reforms,” Uhuru said. He said what was important for Kenyans was to fight poverty, improve healthcare, education and housing as well as create wealth and jobs for the youth.
The Deputy Prime Minister said Jubilee was keen to create a pool of skills through vocational training and develop a free port in Mombasa for job creation. He said Jubilee would provide credit to youth and women to enable them venture into business.
“Our focus is economic empowerment for the youth and women and not mere rhetoric our competitors have dwelt on,” Uhuru said. He said Jubilee stood for national reconciliation and therefore would not harbour any grudge against other leaders.
“Jubilee is a year for reconciliation and we stand for that. CORD is just looking at the rear view mirror and is promoting tribalism and hatred. Tribalism will not bring ugali on the table,” Uhuru said. Uhuru asked Kenyans to adopt a six-piece voting for Jubilee coalition candidates in the General Election to make his Government effective. “We need as many governors and senators as possible. I urge you to vote in all the Jubilee candidates in the counties,” Uhuru said. The rally was also addressed by outgoing MPs Danson Mungatana, among others.

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