
Monday, December 31, 2012

President Kibaki calls for peaceful polls

NAIROBI; KENYA: President Kibaki has called on the various political aspirants and citizens to hold peaceful and issue based campaigns.

The President observed that the government is putting in place mechanisms to ensure that the country has a good election but the responsibility must also be share by the political aspirants and the other Kenyans.

“We must all make a deliberate decision to conduct ourselves peacefully,” the Head of State said.

Conveying his best wishes for the New Year to Kenyans in a radio and television address from State House Nairobi today, the President noted that after 50 years of independence, democracy in the country has come of age and maintained that the best way to prove this is to hold peaceful elections next year.

President Kibaki said: “The best gift that we can bestow upon our motherland, on her diamond jubilee year is a peaceful election. Let us all play our part and send a clear message to the world that we are a beacon of democracy, freedom and liberty.”

The President further added that Kenyans must respect the rights of others to hold differing views and their support for different candidates.

He expressed his confidence that the future of Kenya is bright and will be solidified when the country embark on a peaceful, fair and just election.
The Head of State also pledged to ensure a smooth transition to the leadership that the Kenyan people will elect into office in the forthcoming general elections, adding that the smooth transition must be felt at both the national and county levels.

“This is the reason we are working hard to ensure a smooth transition to the county governments,” the President stated.
President Kibaki also urged Kenyans not to relent in the coming year to work closely with the security forces, so as to get rid of the agents of terror in the country adding that the ongoing reforms in the security sector will be fast-tracked in the coming weeks.

The Head of State further noted that Kenya has moved forward and created a solid foundation for increased prosperity for the citizens.

“The strides we have made are visible. Our children are enjoying access to education and getting a fair chance at succeeding in life. Kenyans expect to live longer due to increased life expectancy. Millions more Kenyans now have access to clean water and electricity while our health services have vastly improved. We have a new Constitution that is guiding the management
of our nation,” President Kibaki stated.

He said that the achievements realised during his tenure are attributable to the dedication from the leaders and the hard work of the people of Kenya.  Adding that it will be his joy to see these achievements move to a higher level so that Kenyans enjoy a higher quality of life.

President Kibaki also thanked Kenyans and all the other external friends for the support they have extended to him and the government during the last ten years since he took office and manage the affairs of the nation.

In regard to the ongoing rains in the country the President noted that the government is putting in place measures to help those adversely affected by the rains around the country.

He further urged Kenyans to also take individual precautions to guard against the effects of the heavy rains.
The President wished all Kenyan’s a happy, prosperous and secure 2013 and also extended his best wishes to those who will be vying for various positions in the forthcoming elections, adding that above all, Kenyans to place faith in God to guide them in the days ahead.

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