
Monday, December 31, 2012

Embarrassing typo adds insult to injury

Unfortunate headline paints a graphic picture of West Virginia’s loss to Syracuse

By  | Dr. Saturday – 21 hours ago

West Virginia’s 38-14 loss to Syracuse in the Pinstripe Bowl on Saturday was humiliating, but the headline in the Weirton Daily Times made it about 20 times worse.
“WVU loses bowel”
The unfortunate typo appeared at the top of the main section of the paper as a tease to what we assume was an interesting - and very personal - story about something that happened during the game - or after it - in the bathroom of the locker room.
While many would claim West Virginia pooped itself in a game many thought it would win, not sure it's appropriate to use that as a game story teaser.
On the other hand, the Weirton Daily Times probably had more readers today than ever before just to see if there was an excrement mishap that followed the loss.
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Thanks to @D_PaulSoHard for finding this gem
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