
Monday, December 31, 2012

Dandora residents protest rising insecurity

Posted  Monday, December 31  2012 at  12:58

Residents of Nairobi's Dandora estate held demonstrations to protest insecurity in the area after three people were shot dead Sunday night.
The angry residents barricaded Juja Road and engaged police in running battles Monday morning, a day after similar protests rocked Huruma estate.
Two others were seriously injured when armed robbers raided a shop in Dandora Phase 3 on Sunday night.
The six thugs, two armed with AK47 rifles and the rest with pistols, shot dead Victor Kyanguli and stole an unknown amount of money from his shop.
The thugs then started shooting randomly and shot Dominic Ogembo Ojiambo, 47, and Kenthe Muthama, 22, on the chest and left thigh respectively. They were rushed to the Kenyatta National Hospital where they died on arrival.
During the shooting, two other people were also shot and injured. Marion Waheto, 18, was shot on the left knee and Harrison Kerich Wangai, 60, on the left thigh.
An hour earlier, another gang attacked Total petrol station on Ring Road, Pumwani and robbed the attendants Branford Masinde and Bernard Tanui of Sh22, 000.

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