
Monday, December 31, 2012

Annan urges peaceful Kenyan transition

The chairman of the Panel of Eminent African Personalities Kofi Annan has December 31, 2012 called for a peaceful handover of power after the next General Election in Kenya.
The chairman of the Panel of Eminent African Personalities Kofi Annan has December 31, 2012 called for a peaceful handover of power after the next General Election in Kenya. 
By NATION Reporter
Posted  Monday, December 31  2012 at  11:30

Chief mediator Kofi Annan has called for a peaceful handover of power after the next General Election in Kenya.
Mr Annan, the chairman of the African Union Panel of Eminent Personalities, said Monday that the transition period when President Kibaki will relinquish the reigns of power to a new president should adhere to constitutionalism.
"My wish for Kenya in the year ahead is a commitment by all to a free, fair and credible election, and a government transition marked by peace and the rule of law," Mr Annan said in his New Year message to Kenyans.
He urged the new leadership to safeguard the gains made under the Constitution and continue to midwife its implementation.
"It is the Constitution, and its nascent implementation, which has underpinned the progressive renewal of institutions and helped to renew public confidence in the State, such as with the Judiciary.
"Those elected to leadership positions should uphold the Constitution and build strong national institutions to underpin democracy and further progress," said Mr Annan.
He said the March 4, 2013 General Election would be historic as it will usher in a new government that will bring resources closer to the people especially through county governments.
"On that day, Kenyans will elect those they wish to lead them into the future. They will have their say on who governs them and how they are governed. Their choice will define and shape the country for future generations."
Mr Annan said Kenyans were desirous of a government that would enforce the rule of law without fear or favour.
"What is clear is the yearning and desire of most Kenyans for peace and stability, economic development, the rule of law and respect for human rights.
"They demand that the laws of the land be applied fairly and consistently across the board," he said.
He predicted a bright future for Kenya saying the "AU Panel continues to support and encourage the people and the government of Kenya".

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