
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Uhuru: ‘Poll deal with Ruto party not yet sealed’

By Digital Reporter
Nakuru; Kenya It took just hours after the announcement of what was the first pre-election pact between Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta and Eldoret North MP William Ruto for the deal to be denounced in a huff.
Uhuru had announced that he had cobbled a pre-election deal with Ruto even as details of the structures were being negotiated and were set to be unveiled on Sunday.
Only hours after the statement was sent to media houses, a similar one denouncing the pact followed on the heels.
Uhuru’s handlers tried to explain why the statement was recalled but it is believed it elicited friction within the political party rank and file of both TNA and URP.
Said Munyori Buku who is Uhuru’s official spokesman: “I want to clarify that the earlier statement that the Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru and Eldoret North MP Ruto have reached a deal was inaccurate.”
“The fact is that negotiations are still going on and when a deal is reached, it will be the prerogative of the party principals to announce it,” Mr Buku clarified.
He reiterated that the full deal will be unveiled on Sunday, December 2, 2012 at the Afraha Open Grounds,
Even in the in the clarification,  it was not immediately clear who will be the presidential candidate and running mate but all pointers were at Uhuru being the boss as Ruto settles for running mate. All eyes will be on the Sunday where the picture is expected to get clearer when ‘full details’ are released.
Earlier, a brief statement sent by Uhuru’s media office said: “The two leaders have agreed on an alliance whose goals will be national unity, prosperity for all Kenyans, reconciliation and offers a definite and clear road-map of making Kenya an economic powerhouse in the region, Africa and the world in the next decade.”
They did not elaborate nor present any manifesto to back their statement nor justify how they will grow Kenya into a transformed economy.
The leaders have also asked a team of lieutenants from the two parties-TNA and URP to work on the programme and plans for the big day.
“Two caravans - one starting at Kinungi near Naivasha and the other from Kuresoi - will start the journey to Nakuru,” said a statement from Uhuru’s spokesman Munyori Buku.
If the deal is nailed, it will be seen as the culmination of several months of talks and attempts at coalition between Uhuru and Ruto both who face charges of crimes against humanity at the International Criminal Court in The Hague Netherlands.
Their ICC cases are set to start on April 10 and 11, 2013.
Buku more like-minded party leaders, MPs, aspirants for various seats, councillors and religious, business, women, youth, cooperative, union, farmers and civil society leaders have been invited and will be present.
The move comes after Alliance Party of Kenya (APK) led by Energy minister Kiraitu Murungi pulled out of talks with TNA over fielding a single presidential candidate.

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