
Monday, November 26, 2012



The warmonger of the Rift Valley just won’t retire from spreading hate

The warmonger of the Rift Valley just won’t retire from spreading hate

Added by  2 hours ago
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Since the 1990s, Ntimama has been blamed for orchestrating attacks against non-Maasai in Narok, and his recent hate speech provides litmus test for NCIC and the police [caption id="attachment_582" align="alignleft"...
How police sanitised Joho’s name, and gave him power to govern

How police sanitised Joho’s name, and gave him power to govern

Added by  2 hours ago
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Probe was misguided from the beginning as cops were reacting to MPs’ pressure in a bid to whitewash the US embassy dossier that named drug lords [caption id="attachment_579" align="alignnone" width="595"] Ali Hassa...
‘Mother’ of the nation who led plunder of beloved motherland

‘Mother’ of the nation who led plunder of beloved motherland

Added by  1 week ago
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Mama Ngina’s public image radiates calm and dignity, obfuscating the ruthless business operator credited with decimating Kenya’s wildlife in 70s Mama Ngina’s dignified presence as she makes her annual pilgrimage to...
A baby mama, a Catholic priest and the making of a murder conspiracy

A baby mama, a Catholic priest and the making of a murder conspiracy

Added by  1 week ago
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Even as Julius Sunkuli wrestles with his younger brother over Narok senate seat, he has to grapple with a past tainted by claims of murder and rape of minor Former Minister of State in the Office of the Preside...
After failing as guardian of law, Wako now wants to be lawmaker

After failing as guardian of law, Wako now wants to be lawmaker

Added by  1 week ago
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His 20 years of monumental failures notwithstanding, and in spite of presiding over massive graft cover-ups and protecting criminals, former AG has mustered the courage to join ODM’s ‘change’ brigade   Ever-smi...
After staging well-oiled jailbreak, Sonko seeks role as city Senator

After staging well-oiled jailbreak, Sonko seeks role as city Senator

Added by  1 week ago
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Makadara MP famous as fugitive from the law and suspected drug lord is mobilising youth to rally behind Uhuru Kenyatta’s presidential Hardly any parliamentarian in our history can match the notoriety of Makadar...
The Mysterious “Narc activist” with Ties that Lead to Power and Crime Claims

The Mysterious “Narc activist” with Ties that Lead to Power and Crime Claims

Added by  1 week ago
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The memorable denial by President Kibaki that he is polygamous only fuelled speculation over Mary Wambui and her obviously powerful connections No ordinary Kenyan is as heavily guarded as Mary Wambui, mischievously...
Seek Ye the Political Kingdom and All Else Shall be Granted

Seek Ye the Political Kingdom and All Else Shall be Granted

Added by  1 week ago
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Preacher turned politician Margaret Wanjiru is synonymous with controversy, from the public spat with ex-husband, to corruption through illegal house allocation and spreading hate speech Housing Assistant minister ...
Kabogo is Like an Onion, Peeling off  Layers Yields little, Only Stinging Tears

Kabogo is Like an Onion, Peeling off Layers Yields little, Only Stinging Tears

Added by  1 week ago
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The man who aspires to be Kiambu governor is assailed by serious scandals, from claims of drug trafficking to cold-blooded murderer Juja MP William Gitau Kabogo is best compared to an onion. Every scion peeled off ...
From Street Hawker to Kingmaker: The unlikely story of William Ruto

From Street Hawker to Kingmaker: The unlikely story of William Ruto

Added by  1 week ago
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The man accused by ICC of crimes against humanity overcame great odds in his early life, with breakthrough coming from suspect Kanu youth lobby William Kipchirchir Samoei arap Ruto’s story is most unlikely in Kenya...

A family affair that reveals pretty dirty linen in public

A family affair that reveals pretty dirty linen in public

Added by  1 week ago
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 Ngilu’s flagrant violations of procurement procedures to award her children and their spouses Government contracts reflect the erosion of social mores At the pinnacle of her influence as presidential candidate in ...
‘The Boss’ has agility to run with hares and hunt with hounds

‘The Boss’ has agility to run with hares and hunt with hounds

Added by  1 week ago
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Considered one of Kenya’s wealthiest men, John Harun Mwau is a former police sharpshooter whose name has been associated with drug trafficking In 1992, a curious political outfit arrived on the scene. It was calle...
Jirongo’s entrepreneurship and the making of Kenya into ‘paper’ tiger

Jirongo’s entrepreneurship and the making of Kenya into ‘paper’ tiger

Added by  1 week ago
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His dalliance with Kanu when Moi’s power was most threatened saw the printing and circulation of billions that triggered unprecedented inflation The name Cyrus Shakhalaga Jirongo is synonymous with an outfit simply...
In the name of Martha, the Father and unholy alliance of suspect MPs

In the name of Martha, the Father and unholy alliance of suspect MPs

Added by  1 week ago
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Karua inspires little confidence that media freedoms—a core plank in the nurture of Kenya’s democracy—would be secure under her watch Martha Wangari Karua is a diminutive politician with a growing stature in Kenya’...
Mudavadi’s litany of controversies can fill up the City Hall cemeteries

Mudavadi’s litany of controversies can fill up the City Hall cemeteries

Added by  1 week ago
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His role in the Goldenberg scam and the suspect cemetery land deal are some of the concerns weakening Deputy PM’s quest for top job Deputy Prime Minister Wycliffe Musalia Mudavadi was born with a silver spoon. He w...
Raila’s democracy means gaining  power by any means necessary

Raila’s democracy means gaining power by any means necessary

Added by  1 week ago
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Critics claim he will do anything to ascend to the throne, and his long public life provides useful signposts of his surprising twists and turns Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s story is complex and compelling. His fa...
Why Kalonzo walks the straight and the narrow – as well as the midway

Why Kalonzo walks the straight and the narrow – as well as the midway

Added by  1 week ago
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He insists he’s a good Christian. Undoubtedly, his opportunism is legendary, and his survival in different regimes reflects a knack for self-preservation To his many detractors, Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka and W...
Peter Kenneth’s riddles stretch from the surname to his posh city abode

Peter Kenneth’s riddles stretch from the surname to his posh city abode

Added by  1 month ago
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Cosmopolitan politician credited with prudent management skills yet to fully explain how he acquired his home from collapsed State corporation Kenya National Congress presidential aspirant Peter Kenneth is a politi...
From ‘Project’ Uhuru to a comedy of  errors, and the not-so-comic ICC trial

From ‘Project’ Uhuru to a comedy of errors, and the not-so-comic ICC trial

Added by  1 month ago
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Eldest son of founding President Kenyatta walks the tight-rope that some fear is coiling fast into a noose that could strangle Kenya future diplomacy When Uhuru Kenyatta visited Maralal town in North-Eastern Provin...

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