
Friday, November 30, 2012

ODM accuses Nyaga of luring party officials to TNA

By Ally Jamah
ODM has claimed that Minister for Co-operatives Joe Nyaga is luring its ODM officials in Central Province to Uhuru Kenyatta’s The National Alliance Party and other outfits.
Speaking at Orange House in Nairobi on Thursday, ODM Murang’a County chairman Mike Rubia claimed that he and other ODM leaders in central were approached by Nyagah to defect from ODM.
Rubia, who was accompanied by ODM Secretary General Anyang’ Nyong’o, the party’s Kiambu County acting chairman Peter Kabucho and other ODM leaders in Central Province, claimed that Nyagah offered Sh10 million to ODM chairpersons running for parliament ary seats and Sh2 million for Country representatives to leave ODM.
“We attended the meeting on Wednesday where the minister met all ODM branch chairpersons in Central Province. The minister promised that he was willing to finance all aspirants in their campaigns provided they choose another strong party to win on. Fortunately, we turned down the offer,” he said.
Sh10 million
The leaders claimed that Nyagah also met 29 ODM vice-chairmen on Tuesday at a Nairobi Hotel to allegedly strategise on how to lead ODM officials to TNA and other parties.
“We would like to appeal to all ODM leaders to resist political prostitution and ignore leaders who want to betray our party having being offered money by TNA,” said Councillor Moses Kinyanjui, ODM Kiambu County coordinator.

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