
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Wambui speaks on family, drugs and her new political ambitions

Gatanga MP Peter Kenneth with businesswoman Mary Wambui at CCM Gatanga Girls where the latter was the chief guest during a harambee to raise money to buy a bus for the school.
Mary Wambui (right) and Gatanga MP Peter Kenneth at CCM Gatanga Girls during a past event. Photo | FILE |   NATION MEDIA GROUP
Posted  Saturday, September 29  2012 at  23:30
  • The businesswoman has been involved in Nyeri politics and the local high society since the 1980s but has not previously run for office.
  • In characteristic Kenyan political parlance, Ms Wambui said that Othaya people had pleaded with her to vie for Parliament when President Kibaki retires next year.
  • Ms Wambui said she is a strong TNA supporter and denied allegations that she has been funding Deputy Prime Minister Musalia Mudavadi’s United Democratic Forum Party (UDF).
Businesswoman-cum-politician Mary Wambui, who caused consternation at State House over claims that she is President Kibaki’s second wife, wants to succeed him as Othaya MP.
Ms Wambui says that “when the time comes” she will be running for the seat on a TNA ticket, which is expected to be a boost to the political fortunes of the party’s leader Uhuru Kenyatta.
In an interview with the Sunday Nation, the flamboyant businesswoman spoke out on her family, business, her charity work and politics.
She also commented on her alleged association with drug dealers and her daughter Winnie Wangui’s life in the fast lane.
Ms Wambui, commonly known as Mama Winnie after her daughter Winnie Wangui, said she had five children. She did not say who the other four are. “I’m someone’s wife, I have five children and six grandchildren,” she said.
The businesswoman has been involved in Nyeri politics and the local high society since the 1980s but has not previously run for office.
In characteristic Kenyan political parlance, Ms Wambui said that Othaya people had pleaded with her to vie for Parliament when President Kibaki retires next year.
“As for now, this seat has the owner, and we should respect President Kibaki who is in charge. However, I must respond to the people’s call when that time comes,” she said.
She will have to battle it out in the TNA nominations with Nairobi lawyer Peter Gichuki King’ara who declared his interest to carry on Kibaki’s legacy four years ago and is vying for the same slot on the ticket.
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Others interested in the seat are former National Security Intelligence Service boss Esau Kioni, Othaya Development Association chairman Gichuki Mugambi, and businessmen Emilio Kibue and Ringaru Gichane.
President Kibaki’s eldest son Jimmy has also been said to be interested in the seat although he has not publicly announced his candidature. (READ: Jimmy could face Wambui for Othaya seat)
Ms Wambui said she is a strong TNA supporter and denied allegations that she has been funding Deputy Prime Minister Musalia Mudavadi’s United Democratic Forum Party (UDF).
“I have never funded any political party, and those who say that I am behind UDF are wrong ... they should know that I’m in total support of TNA,” she said. “I’m a patriotic Kenyan and that’s why I always support people that have a good vision for the country.”
But she said all political parties, including TNA, should seek alliances, arguing that none can make it to victory on its own. Ms Wambui said she will not vie for the Ol Kalou parliamentary seat despite calls from a section of its constituents.
She says that although she has been receiving delegates from Ol Kalou urging her to vie for the seat, she will not contest there. Ms Wambui owns a farm in Ol Kalou.
She said she has known President Kibaki as “a good man” for many years and suggested that the Head of State may write a book in his retirement.
“There is a lot of work to do; Kibaki will probably write a book or come and farm, he is a farmer.” Ms Wambui said she is happy about her charity work and that’s how she would prefer to be known.
“The people here know me as someone who helps in taking children to school, involved in projects, and politics and of course helping the MP for Othaya,” she said.
The businesswoman termed “baseless” allegations that she was involved with drug dealers and challenged those with evidence to make it public. She said that she is confident the government was capable of exposing drug dealers in the country.
“What I want Kenyans to know is that I have never gone beyond farming. The other business about drugs . . . I don’t know. That’s gossip. I have never even taken alcohol,” she said.
Ms Wambui has been active in Nyeri politics for decades and burst onto the national scene in 2004 after sections of the media published reports that she was President Kibaki’s second wife.
The Head of State – in a statement to newsrooms – said that his immediate family consisted of his wife First Lady Lucy Kibaki and four children. His family’s profile is available on the State House website.
In 2009, a furious President Kibaki, accompanied by the First Lady, called a rare, televised news conference on State House grounds where the Head of State said he was in “a foul mood” over repeated claims in sections of the media about another wife. He reiterated that he had one wife and four children. (READ: )
Ms Wambui and her daughter Winnie were in the public eye after the latter was associated with brothers Artur Sargsyan and Artur Margaryan. The two alleged Armenians were deported from Kenya in 2007 at the height of accusations that they were involved in a chain of criminal activities.
An inquiry into their activities revealed a life of carjackings by men who stunningly appeared to enjoy a high profile protection and had even been given Kenya Police ranks. The two had been named deputy commissioners of police and are widely believed to have participated in the raid on the Standard Newspaper Group in March 2006.
Ms Wambui said her daughter had all the right to choose her friends and a partner and, as a parent, all she needs to do is to wait to be introduced to her choice.
“As a good mother what business do I have to know who my daughter is with? It is always good to wait and let your child introduce you to his or her fiancé at the right time, but never interfere with her friends before that,” she said.
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The report from the inquiry into the activities of the Artur brothers was presented to President Kibaki, but it has never been made public. Ms Wambui criticised people who have in the past questioned her big security detail saying that anyone with means can hire as many security officers as he or she wants.
“There are many people in this country who have hired numerous personal security officers; why only question mine?” she asked. Ms Wambui, who always remembers to say a prayer whenever an opportunity presents itself, said she’ll always remain true to herself.
“Apart from the rumours that the media have always peddled about me, Kenyans will remember me for the good things I have done for them. I have toured nearly all corners of this country setting up projects to assist my fellow Kenyans. That is what I am,” she said.
She recalls that she has been given many names including “Wambui wa Kanu” after she moved from being a teacher in Laikipia to a secretary at the Kanu offices and later “Narc activist” before being again nick-named “PNU activist” and “political activist”.
“When I hear people call me “Wambui wa Kanu”, I know they recognise the good job I did but “Political activist” is something I have never been; I just worked in a political office assisting my Member of Parliament.”
Her parting shot? “People will always say what they want but, for me, President Kibaki is one of the best leaders I have met and seen in the world. My involvement with him is just stories that I read and hear in the media.”

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