Friday, August 3, 2012

What is RAILA doing together with MAINA NJENGA?

What is RAILA doing together with MAINA NJENGA?

It is August 2013, Raila is the president and Maina Njenga is the Minister of Youth and Sports!!!

I fail to understand what value Raila sees in scumbags such as Maina Njenga. I think such associations just validates some of the arguments made by MIGUNA MIGUNA that politics in Kenya has not changed, only the players have- that the end justifies the means.

It a well documented fact that Maina Njenga is the leader of a merciless gang which terrorized both PM's supporters in Nakuru and Naivasha and continues to terrorize residents of central province. People will say he has never been charged with a crime or that he was in prison during PEV. It is well known that this criminal issued orders through emissaries from prison- some of who were summarily executed by the police. There may be no evidence or blood stains leading the cops to his doorsteps- but one just needs to follow the money trail and you can nail the thief using tax laws, money laundering, racketeering you name it.

When you visit your folks in Murang’a and other areas they operate from, you cannot spend the night there, you have to leave before sunset otherwise Mungiki will pay you a visit. Even when you have left and your presence is known in the village, your parents and relatives are visited and payments demanded. When your chicken has eggs- 10 % belongs Munginki. When your boy is dating - they have to pay a fee.

Let us assume for one minute that Maina Njenga can bring the Central Kenyan vote to RAO - Is he someone worth touching with a 12 foot pole let alone appoint to the "cabinet"

So what is RAO doing with Maina Njenga? People will argue that it is both their democratic rights to associate with each other- that is baloney. Njenga should be rotting in Jail not being feted by the PM.

MIGUNA MIGUNA, any input?
Senti 5 (jukwaa)

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