
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Double tragedy as girl is defiled in hospital room

When they left home with their defiled daughter for hospital, all they prayed for was that she could get quick medical attention.
But that was never to be as the clinical officer at the Kisii Level Five Hospital entrusted with the innocent 12-year-old patient allegedly defiled her.
“We never suspected anything until we heard commotion in the room where he was with my daughter,” said the father of the girl.
Before they went to hospital they had passed by Kisii Police Station to report their daughter eight hours ordeal in the hands of two men and the police directed them to seek medication first.
The tribulation of the Standard Six pupil started on Tuesday at 5pm.
“I enquired where she was, but was informed by one of her friends that two boda boda riders had kidnapped her,” a shaken mother of the minor said.
They began a search only to find her locked in a room by the riders.
And upon interrogation, she told her parents that the two men had defiled her in turns from 11am.
Immediately they rushed her to hospital and left her with the doctors at 7pm. But three hours later, something went awry.
The clinical officer who was attending to her was allegedly caught defiling her inside the examination room.
Blows and kicks
The Tuesday night incident left  health workers and the public in shock.
Nurses on night shift became doubtful of the suspect’s movements and on storming the room where he had moved the girl, found him defiling the minor.
“We became curious after he moved the minor to another room and soon after switched off the lights,” a nurse told The Standard of the 10pm occurrence.
The nurses allegedly found the man defiling the girl using gloves as condoms. The enraged nurses descended on the clinical officer with blows and kicks before he raised alarm, and attracting the girl’s parents, who were waiting outside the room.
An Administration Police Officer Joash Mageto, who mans security at the referral facility arrested the clinician, but was overwhelmed by rowdy women.
Mageto asked for reinforcement from Kisii Police Station, about a kilometre away. 
Officers arrived and whisked the suspect into a Land Rover, with the public in tow.
The suspect was moved to the hospital two weeks ago after he faced similar allegations at Nyamache District Hospital.
On Wednesday, the girl’s father and mother said when they heard cries from the examination room they thought it was from their daughter.
They were, however, informed that it was the health  worker who was being beaten.
Arrest and prosecution
The father said her daughter had been rushed to the hospital after they rescued her from two boda boda operators in Kisii town who defiled her.
Kisii deputy OCPD Julius Meme said the suspect would be charged with defilement.
The public jammed Kisii Police Station to see the suspect.
The incident comes after a recent one where an 80 year-old  woman  appealed to Police Commissioner Mathew Iteere to arrest and prosecution of a 25 year-old man who allegedly raped her in Nchoroiboro village of Buuri District in Meru.
She said the suspect is still free, despite a report she made to the police immediately after the incident.
 The suspect allegedly attacked her with a panga and threatened to kill her if she raised alarm.
Buuri deputy police boss Joel Chebii said they are still investigating the incident and will apprehend the suspect once investigations are complete.

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