
Friday, August 31, 2012

Corridors of Power

Corridors of Power

There's is an uproar among staff at the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) over allegations of tribalism. Our moles tell us that five out of the senior positions in that office are all members of one community. The five all hold positions in the tendering committee. The staff's concern is not that the five do no deserve the positions, but that their elevation is in direct contravention of the NCIC Act which stipulates that no one ethnic community should occupy more than one third of the top slots in a public institution. Since the five sit in the tender committee, they can easily manipulate the tendering process.
A man walked into Parklands police station in Nairobi on Monday morning and pulled down Police Commissioner Mathew Iteere's portrait, smashing it on the floor. His reason? "This man is illegally in office," he shouted as police officers asked him to explain his actions. The man was promptly locked up!
The US giant supermarket chain Walmart is eyeing a stake in the local retail store Naivas as it seeks to spread its tentacles. Walmart is reportedly seeking to buy a 51 per cent stake in the Kenyan retailer, something which has sent shivers down the spines of the other local supermarkets such as Nakumatt and Tuskys. The latter two are the biggest supermarket chains in Kenya and the region.

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