
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Who is this MP harassing Chinese in Kenya?

Who is this MP harassing Chinese in Kenya?

Monday, the 30th of July 2012 - A Chinese mining firm has accused an unnamed Kenyan MP of extortion. The Fenxi Mining Industry Company Limited says the MP has exhibited “unfriendly and undiplomatic behaviour,” while repeating “intimidating demands for special favours”.

The firm, which was awarded a mining concession for Mui Basin in Kitui, made the allegation in an official letter of complaint to Energy Permanent Secretary Patrick Nyoike. The letter written by Fenxi Group’s Deputy Chairman Yang Wusheng reads in part;

“We were asked by the Government of Kenya, through the Ministry of Energy, to provide at short notice logistical support whilst the delegates were in China to provide appropriate channels for the delegates to familiarize themselves with coal operations,”

The firm made some very damaging allegations in the letter;

“Some of his (MP’s) utterances were in the effect that only the community leaders of Blocks A and B have a right to award any concession and the delegation of Blocks A and B had visited China to carry out due diligence on Fenxi and decide if the company would qualify for award of the coal concessions,” the letter reads.

The PS has responded to the letter saying the MP was making false claims;

“What he is doing is wrong. Those two blocks are not in his area and we’re talking about Blocks A and B and his portion is very small. I think he wants to be governor so he has the whole terrain to himself,” he said.

“The government of Kenya has an option to take 11 percent. The government can decide whether to participate in the process or bequeath this to the county government of Kitui or other government organization or sell its rights to other parties,” Nyoike explained.

The PS however stopped short of saying what action the government would take against the said MP.


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