
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Police release photo of Venezuela diplomat murder suspect

Police release photo of Venezuela diplomat murder suspect

Muhammed Ahmed Mohammed Hassan, who is wanted by the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) Nairobi Area in connection with the murder of of the late  charge d’affaires at the Venezuelan Embassy in Nairobi Olga Fonsesca July 31, 2012. COURTESY
Muhammed Ahmed Mohammed Hassan, who is wanted by the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) Nairobi Area in connection with the murder of of the late charge d’affaires at the Venezuelan Embassy in Nairobi Olga Fonsesca July 31, 2012. COURTESY  
Posted  Tuesday, July 31  2012 at  13:53
Police have circulated the photo of a man suspected to have been involved in the murder of the late charge d’affaires at the Venezuelan Embassy in Nairobi Olga Fonsesca.
Police spokesman Eric Kiraithe said that Muhammed Ahmed Mohammed Hassan was wanted by the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) Nairobi Area in connection with the murder.
"Any person with information on his whereabouts is requested to report to the nearest police station or police officer," said Mr Kiraithe Tuesday.
Nairobi CID police boss Nicholas Kamwende moved to court to request a warrant of arrest for Mr Hassan.
The suspect is a close friend of the embassy’s First Secretary Dwight Saragay, who was arraigned in court on Monday over the same allegations.
The Director of Public Prosecution, through state counsel Tabitha Ouya, applied for a 14-day detention of Mr Dwight to allow his office complete investigations before bringing up formal murder charge against him over the murder of Olga Fonseca.
"Initial investigations reveal the deceased was strangled and Mr Sagaray is a key suspect in her death. The offence is very serious and has attracted much public attention which is why we are requesting for more days to complete investigations," said Ms Ouya in court on Monday.
However, Lady Justice Florence Muchemi ruled that the suspect will be detained for six and not 14 days as requested by the State.
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Mr Sagaray was arrested on Saturday, a few hours after his diplomatic immunity was waived, but police had not had enough time to compile all the necessary evidence.
Detectives feared that if released, he may interfere with potential witnesses since he holds an influential position at the Embassy.

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