
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

EXCLUSIVE: Kibaki and Wambui spotted taking a leisure walk in Carnaby street, London

EXCLUSIVE: Kibaki and Wambui spotted taking a leisure walk in Carnaby street, London

Tuesday, 31/07/2012- Word on the street has it that Hon. Mwai Kibaki was spotted taking a leisure walk on Carnaby Street, London with his sweetheart Mary Wambui.
According to a source in the Diaspora, the two who are in London for the Olympics were followed by their bodyguards from a distance.
A young Kenyan man who dwells in West London revealed that he met with the elderly couple while he was jogging and was fascinated on the resemblance of the old man to President Kibaki.
 To cure his curiosity, he called his relatives in Kenya who confirmed that Kibaki was actually in London. He tried to catch up with the President to get a handshake and take a picture but his bodyguards warned him against what they termed as ‘infringing on his privacy’.
Drama has been taking place in Kibaki’s home and this might be the reason he took a break. The controversial first Lady, Lucy Kibaki recently chased away Kibaki’s head chef, King’ori in unclear circumstances.
Lucy also fired the head of Presidential Escort Unit Kitili Mwendwa for allowing Wambui to visit Kibaki at his Harambee House office.
Early this year, a sickly Lucy also went ahead and fired her house aide for mixing her clothes with Kibaki’s in the laundry basket. 


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