
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Ongeri to host G7 leaders in Kisii for prayer meetings

By Robert Nyasato
The G7 Alliance heads to Kisii County on Friday for another round of prayer meetings.
The group that brings together Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta, Eldoret North MP William Ruto, Justice Minister Eugene Wamalwa among others, will converge at Gusii Stadium.
Foreign Affairs Minister Sam Ongeri will host the group.
A dispatch from Uhuru’s Director of Communications Munyori Buku said G7 would start their tour of Western Kenya in Kisii on Friday.
The group will head to neighbouring Nyamira County on Saturday and conclude the prayer meetings in Kericho County.
This will be the first public meeting of the G7 Alliance after the Cabinet reshuffle that saw Wamalwa take over the plum Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs. He replaced Mutula Kilonzo, who was moved to the Education docket following his attacks on Uhuru and Ruto over the International Criminal Court cases.
MPs Robert Monda, Walter Nyambati and National Heritage Assistant Minister Wilfred Ombui are expected to attend the rallies. Ongeri will now sit on the Cabinet sub-committee that handles ICC matters. "We want to pass a strong and clear message to our people that the future leadership of this country lies in the G7 and the Gusii community cannot afford to be left out," Ongeri said.
The meeting comes just two weeks after Raila camped in the region for two days in a bid to consolidate his support ahead of the General Election. Local leaders led by Public Works Minister Chris Obure endorsed the premier’s candidature, saying he was the face of reforms.
Ongeri said the G7 tour of the area was crucial as the Gusii people were affected by post-election violence and need reconciliation.
"The healing process is on course and it is important that we bond with leaders of other communities to realise this goal," he added.
Although the community was one of the most hit during the post election skirmishes, local leaders led by Ongeri and allied to PNU have stood with the four ICC suspects.

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